File Tab
The file tab isn't really a ribbon tab, but an easy way to access Excel's built in options, open and save workbooks, and manage the application. The below screenshot is what you'll be greeted with upon pressing the "File" button.
Condensed version of the New and Open tabs

Here you can open a new blank workbook, access a number of great templates, or open one of Excel's built in tutorials. These tutorials offer a great starting point for beginners or even some more advanced tutorials explaining features like Power Query.

The recent section shows your most recently opened and edited files. Clicking any of these files will launch that workbook. This section is great for pickup up where you left off or accessing your most used Excel files as they will most likely be in this list.

Here you are able to quickly access your pinned files. You'll want to pin your most important Excel files that you use daily or most frequently. Anywhere on the home tab, right click and select "Pin to list" to pin a workbook into this list.

Shared with Me
The shared with me section displays any workbook that someone else has shared from you. This feature exists for someone who likes working outside of email or the Microsoft Suite. This list will only display files from either your OneDrive (personal or business) or SharePoint Online.

Open new workbooks, built-in templates, and tutorials

Blank Workbook
Your go to new workbook option. This will open a blank workbook with the default workbook options. Nothing like starting with a fresh blank workbook, get to creating!
Online Templates
A huge wealth of pre-built workbooks. If you can think of it there's probably an online template dedicatd to it. I don't use this option very much but I really should. Everything from chore schedules, Gantt planners, retirement planners, and every budget you could ever think of exist. They all come prepackaged and easy to use, no complicated formulas or formatting needed. Maybe just slight tweaking to perfectly suite your needs.

Open existing workbooks from various sources

The recent section shows your most recently opened and edited files. Clicking any of these files will launch that workbook. This section is great for pickup up where you left off or accessing your most used Excel files as they will most likely be in this list.
Shared with Me
The shared with me section displays any workbook that someone else has shared from you. This feature exists for someone who likes working outside of email or the Microsoft Suite. This list will only display files from either your OneDrive (personal or business) or SharePoint Online.
Access files stored in your OneDrive. After logging into your Outlook account, you gain access to the OneDrive. Basically just cloud storage that can be used across all of your devices. Helpful if you're moving between different computers often.
Other Locations
Gives you the ability to find files stored on your computer, across every file location on your computer, OneDrive, external hard drives, basically anywhere you can access files can be added on here.
All data and information related to the actual workbook file itself is stored here. Workbook level passwords, issues, history, and properties can be found under this tab.

Top Quick Options
At the top of the info window, there are a few different quick options relating to where the actual file is stored.
The top text in green is the workbook name, while the text string below it is the pathway in which it is stored. In this case, it is in my C: drive, and in my OneDrive.
Upload - This button will allow you to upload a copy of your workbook into a cloud location of your choice ( like one drive)
Share - Gives you the option to share a link via email or web link that enables others to edit/view the workbook. Good for collaboration.
Copy Path - Will copy the file pathway as seen up above. In this case:
C:\Users\DrewK\OneDrive\Encyclopedia Excel\Functions.xlsx
Copy Local Path - Will copy the file pathway like the above example but only if the workbook is stored on a local drive.
Open File Location - Opens the folder or location that the workbook is held in.

Protect Workbook
Allows you to protect the workbook with a variety of different security measures. You can protect the workbook, sheets, mark as final, mark as read only, and add a digital signature
Check for Issues
Offers tools to inspect document for hidden properties or personal information, checks for accessibility, and also checks for compatibility errors for earlier versions of Excel.
Version History
Allows you to view a files version history, track changes across all versions, and also restore to and older version in case of error or corruption.
Manage Workbook
This option will recover unsaved workbooks and allow you to browse recent unsaved files.
Browser View Options
Changes which sheets and options are visible when the workbook is opened and viewed on the web version of Excel. Can allow for tighter controlling.

Displays the workbook size and allows you to add meta descriptions and titles to the workbook. Can add a title, tag the workbook, and assign in a category for easier filing.
Related Dates
Shows the last time a workbook was modified (saved), when the workbook was initially created, and when the workbook was last printed.
Related People
Displays the original author or who created the workbook, and also who made the last save.
Related Documents
Gives you the ability to open the file location in which the workbook is saved.
This button has no menu associated with it and will simply save the workbook. The name and file pathway will remain the same, any new changes to the workbook will be saved after this button is pressed.
Save As
Offers you the ability to save your workbook as a new file, either by renaming the file (such as adding version numbers) or changing the save location.
On the left side you see all of the locations that the file can be saved in, and then on the right, shows a more zoomed in version, giving you the ability to pick a file extension, file name, and lets you see what is in the chosen folder.

This tab houses all of the print options available to you when printing any part of your workbook.

Print & Copy Options
Pressing the large print button will execute a print based on the below settings. The copies section allows you to print multiple copies of a workbook.
This is where you select which printer or device you wish to print to. You can set up new printers, print to PDF, and print to other external devices here.
This section allows you to select what to print, either active sheet, whole workbook, or a selected area. You can also pick a page range.
The collate options, collated will print ordered copies, uncollated will print copies of the 1st page, then all copies of the 2nd page and so on.
Print orientation, will print in either landscape or portrait modes.
The paper size that you wish to print on
The print margins or how much space you wish to leave on the sides of the pages
Page scaling, this changes how the sheets fit on the page and will actually scale or zoom in/out to better fit on your printed page.
Once a workbook is uploaded onto a cloud location like OneDrive, gives you options to share a link to the workbook. You can share through a direct link or email, and set various options and permissions for anyone accessing the file.

Here you can set whether or not anyone with the link can edit or only view the workbook.
You can also write in the name, email, or group that you would like to send it out to as well as adding a custom message to go along with the link.
Here you can copy a direct link that can be distributed however you would like to allow access into the workbook.
You can also choose to send a copy of the workbook, or a PDF using this bottom option.
The export tab has two major functions that give you direct and easy ways to export your workbook into properly share-able files, rather than raw Excel files.

The "Create PDF/XPS Document" button allows you to create a PDF or XPS version of your document. These file types preserve the layout, formatting, fonts, and images, while making it harder to change the content held within. A PDF is also accessible across most devices.

The "Change File Type" button allows you to convert the Excel file (usually the standard .xlsx) into a large amount of other file types such as: .xls, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xltx, .ods, .csv .txt, or .prn.
For now, the publish option here only gives the option to publish a report or workbook directly into Power BI. The two main options here are uploading a workbook to Power BI and Exporting workbook data to Power BI.
Upload your workbook to Power BI - When you choose the upload option, the workbook will be uploaded as is, into a Power BI report, and will be seen as a data source by Power BI as an Excel Workbook. No changes can be made here, and is mostly useful if you have charts or PivotTables that you wish to be carried over to a Power BI report.
Export workbook data to Power BI - With the export option, any data tables or data saved to the Excel data model will be exported as a new dataset in Power BI. This is especially helpful as any changes made to the supporting Excel workbook will be pulled into a Power BI report upon a refresh. This allows you to take any Excel data dump workbook and transform it entirely inside Power BI.

This button does not have a related menu, and will simply close the open workbook. If the workbook has unsaved changes, you will be prompted to save the workbook before it will close.
The account tab houses all of the options related to your personal Microsoft account, your office themes, as well as product information about your Microsoft subscription and office version.

Here is where you can see which account has signed into Microsoft Office, as well as manage the account privacy and reporting settings.
You can also set a office theme and background. The background will change the art style while theme will allow you to change Excel into dark mode.
You can add services here, for instance OneDrive, giving you better sharing and saving capabilities.

Information on how you are accessing Excel, whether through a subscription or a purchased one-time copy.
This button checks your latest Excel version and will install any available updates.
You can join and learn more information for new builds through Office Insider.
The About Excel button will supply some technical ID numbers as well as the software license terms.
The What's New button will give you a run down on the latest features brought ito Excel.
This area allows you to submit feedback directly to Microsoft. Giving you a way to express anything that you like or dislike about the program, and even offer suggestions for new features and improvements.

If you like something, submit your positive feedback here. I'm sure the Microsoft Team loves getting these responses.
If you don't like something, this button can notify them of potential bugs or areas for improvement.
If you have a good idea that you believe could improve Excel, submit it here. I believe the smooth scrolling coming out soon was first submitted on here.
This button will bring up the general Excel options menu available to every user. Within this menu you will find just about every option given to the users to customize their user experience and give tighter controls to specific excel functions.
Everything from interface options, formula options, changing how proofing works inside and outside of formulas, language, accessibility, and even add-ins, is all managed through this menu.