A quick formula to calculate the number of weekdays, business days, or working days remaining in the current month.
Calculate weekdays left in current month including today:
Calculate weekdays left in current month excluding today:
To calculate weekdays remaining from a specific date, you can replace the TODAY() with a date or cell reference like so (replacing date with your actual date):
How to Return the Number of Business Days Left in Current Month

This formula calculates the number of whole workdays between today's date (including today) and the end of the current month, excluding weekends (Saturday and Sunday).
Here's a breakdown of this formula, step by step:
TODAY() - This function returns the current date
EOMONTH - This function returns the last day of a specific month.
The first argument of the EOMONTH function specifies the starting date, which in this case is today's date.
The second argument specifies how many months to move forward or backward from the starting date. The value 0 means we are looking at the current month. If it were 1, it would mean the next month, -1 would mean the previous month, and so forth.
So, EOMONTH(TODAY(),0) returns the last day of the current month.
NETWORKDAYS(start_date, end_date) - This function calculates the number of whole workdays between two dates (inclusive), excluding weekends (by default Saturday and Sunday).
In the given formula, the start_date is today's date TODAY() and the end_date is the end of the current month EOMONTH(TODAY(),0).
Putting it all together, the formula computes the number of workdays remaining in the current month, starting from today (and including today).
How to Return the Number of Business Days Left in Current Month

Instead of using the current day, we can also feed a date into the same formula. The only change needed is to substitute a date or date reference in for the TODAY() function.
So our formula would be changed to:
This formula will take each date in our "Date" column, and calculates the number of remaining business days in that specific month.