Usually, you need to return the last or first item in a list, but every once in a while, you may find yourself needing to return the second to last item in a list. These formulas will help.
2. Explanation
3.1. How to Convert Month Name to Month Number
For this formula, the range should be replaced with the range of month names you would like to convert.
= MONTH(DATEVALUE(range & " 1"))

This formula can be broken up into two main parts.
First, the DATEVALUE function converts a text date into number representing a date. This function needs the date string to be in a valid date format, which is why you append " 1" to the month name, creating a valid date string.
For example, if you have "January" in cell A1, A1 & " 1" will give you "January 1".
When this is fed to the DATEVALUE function, it is converted into a serial number representing the date.
So, DATEVALUE("January 1") will give you the serial number for January 1 in the current year: 1/1/2023 (Excel assumes the current year if you don't specify one).
Second, MONTH function then extracts the month number from this date serial number. So, if 1/1/2023 is fed into the MONTH function, a 1 will be returned. 2/1/2023 will return a 2, and so on.
How to Convert Month Name to a Number
In this example, we have a list of month names in column B and need to convert those names into the corresponding month numbers.
Using the following formula in column C, we can easily convert each name into a number.
This formula can be a single cell reference, or if you are using Excel 365, you can also select the entire range, using "B3:B14" as your range.