Often, you won't want every worksheet in your workbook to be able to easily be viewed by everyone. Hiding and unhiding sheets will let you pick and choose which worksheets you want front and center, and which sheets you don't want visible.
Hiding Worksheets
Hiding worksheets doesn't delete them, it simply removes them from the visible tabs at the bottom of every Excel window. All connections, formulas, and data remain unchanged.
For the most part, hiding is purely visual and helpful when dealing with a cluttered workbook with lots of different tabs that do not need to be accessed regularly.
How to Hide a Single Worksheet

To hide a single worksheet, the easiest way is to right click on the tab you wish to hide and select the "Hide" option.
You can also use the following shortcut if you prefer, to hide the currently active sheet (whichever sheet you are currently on).
Alt + O + H + H Hide Current Worksheet
How to Hide Multiple Worksheets at One Time
Hiding multiple worksheets is just the same as hiding one, but with one extra step. Multiple worksheets have to be selected, and then can be hidden.
To select multiple worksheets, navigate to a sheet you want to hide, and then while holding the SHIFT key, click on another worksheet tab. This will select every tab between the active sheet, and the sheet you've clicked on. Then simply right click and select the hide option.

Repeating this same process, but with the CTRL key held instead, will select individual tabs to be hidden, rather than every sheet in the selected range. Once you've selected the tabs you wish to hide, right click, and select the hide option.

Unhiding Worksheets
Unhiding workbooks is very similar to hiding them. Rather than selecting tabs from the bottom of the Excel window to unhide sheets, you have to use the "Unhide" menu, to view which sheets are currently hidden, and pick which to unhide.
How to Unhide a Single Worksheet
To unhide a single worksheet, right click on any worksheet tab on the bottom of the Excel window and select the "Unhide" option. This will show you every worksheet that is currently hidden.
To unhide a hidden tab, click the tab you wish to unhide, and click "Ok".

Alt + O + H + U Open Unhide Menu - This shortcut can also be used to open the unhide menu and select which worksheet to unhide.
How to Unhide Multiple Worksheets
Unhiding multiple worksheets is just as simple as unhiding a single worksheet.
Right click on any tab, select the "Unhide" option, and then select the tabs you wish to unhide.
Holding the SHIFT key will allow you to select a range of tabs to unhide, and holding the CTRL key, will allow you to pick specific tabs to unhide.